terms and conditions

1. To rent one of our bicycles simply contact us at least 24h before (via phone, email or online form)
and fix the time and place of collection. You can access the service if you are at least 18 years old,
otherwise you need the support and accountability of an adult.
2. For the daily rental of a bicycle you need to leave an ID document or, alternatively, as a
guarantee, provide the number of your credit card.
3. Hire for several days needs a deposit of € 50,00 for each bike, € 150,00 for electric bike. The
bicycle is delivered in perfect condition, equipped with front and rear LED lights, side bags, front
bag (on city bikes), repair kit and lock. It is also possible to rent, on request, a helmet, a reflective
jacket and bags for cycling tours.
4. Travel & Bike assumes no responsibility for any damage to persons or property caused by the
client during the use of bicycles and other equipment. The customer is also responsible for
damage, loss or theft of bicycles or other equipment. In case of damage or theft of the rented
vehicle, the customer will reimburse the cost of repairs or the entire bike. The charge for the service
will be calculated on the market prices of the items to be repaired. The charge for a replacement
will be calculated on the wholesale price of the bicycle.
5. According to the Law Legislative Decree June 30, 2003 NR 196 ff. mm. for protection of personal
information you allow the use of your personal data for statistical purposes, pictures and/or
promotion within the company Travel & Bike - Vicus Novus travel agency.
6. The return of the bicycle and equipment hired must be done within the time frame specified.
The extension of the rental period will be possible only through the consent of the staff of Travel
&Bike; a surcharge will be calculated in case of delay.
7. The payment of rent is in advance at the bike delivery. Fixed prices are quoted according to the
collection and return of the bicycle at the rental point Travel & Bike in Venice Marghera. After 4
hours of rental the daily rate will be charged. After the fifth day of rental it will be applied an extra
day rate.
8. A supplement to the price list will be charged for delivery and return bicycles at the hotel or
other place other than requested by the customer (railway station, airport, etc.) always in the area
of the Riviera del Brenta (between Padua and Mestre-Marghera). The delivery service and
collection outside the above area will be quoted separately.
The customer confirms to have read and accepted the rules of Travel & Bike hire is an integral part
of this contract.

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